Article I. Name
Section 1. The name of this organization is "Philippine Association of Physics and Science
Instructors," hereafter referred to as "PAPSI."
Article II. Purpose
Section 1. To encourage education in the sciences and dissemination of scientific information
through the Philippine Association of Physics and Science Instructors facility.
Section 2. To achieve closer cooperation and understanding between science teachers, so that they
may work together in the common cause of furthering science.
Article III. Bylaws
PAPSI shall establish bylaws concerning the organization and procedures to be followed.
Article IV. General Prohibitions
Notwithstanding any provision of this Constitution or the Bylaws which might be susceptible to a
contrary interpretation:
1. PAPSI shall be organized and operated exclusively for scientific purposes.
2. PAPSI shall not:
Article I. Members
Section 1. Membership shall be open to all Teachers who shall make formal application to the
Secretary, accomplish the membership form, and pay the prescribed dues. The Secretary in
agreement with the Convenor has the authority to negotiate special cases on an individual basis.
Regular Membership – It offers a valuable opportunity for educators and enthusiasts to actively
engage in the organization's enriching activities and events. The membership is valid for one
year, with the option to conveniently renew annually. As a Regular Member, you gain access to
a wide array of benefits, including the privilege to participate in any of PAPSI's activities and
events, such as seminars, workshops, webinars, or conferences.
Section 2. PAPSI shall have the right to refuse any new member or to terminate the membership
of an existing member for cause and without prior notice. However, a person whose membership
has been terminated or refused may appeal to the PAPSI Convenor.
Article II. The Officers
Section 1. The officers of PAPSI are servant leaders.
The servant leaders consist of the Convenor, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. The duties of the PAPSI officers shall be as follows:
Article III. Conference
Section 1. PAPSI shall hold an annual conference at a time and place set by the Convenor, except
when this is contrary to the national interest or public safety. Not more than 25 months shall
elapse between conferences.
Section 2. The membership shall be informed in writing or e-mail of the time and place of the
conference not later than one month prior to the conference.
Article IV. Dues
Section 1. The Convenor shall be authorized to establish such dues as are compatible with the
financial status of PAPSI.
Section 2. A member in arrears for payment of dues for a period of 6 months shall be dropped
from the membership roll.
Article V. Fiscal Year
Section 1. The fiscal year of PAPSI shall embrace the period from January 1st of any year
through December 31st of the same year.